5 Holiday Marketing Insights That Drive Sales

By Shubhranjali Nigam October 4, 2024 7 mins read
TAGS : Digital Marketing , Holiday Marketing , Holiday Marketing Ideas

The holiday season is a perfect opportunity for e-commerce businesses to gain new customers and drive repeat purchases through existing clients. Running a holiday marketing campaign is an efficient way to connect with new and existing customers.

According to, Statista, the holiday shopping season is the most significant economic stimulus for nations.

You can launch your campaign as customers prepare to shop this holiday season.

Let’s dive deeper into our five holiday marketing insights to help your campaign stand apart:

I. Gamification Drives Engagement and Builds Loyalty

Games appeal to people of all ages due to their competitive nature and engaging visual content.

By including achievements and rewards, gamification motivates users to take a specific action.


The global gamification market is still growing and is expected to reach $46.44 billion in 2027.

Despite its untapped potential, gamification is often the most overlooked method of solving eCommerce challenges.

E-commerce businesses, irrespective of size, face specific challenges such as abandoned carts, acquiring loyalty, and more.

Gamification holiday marketing tactics aid in building customer loyalty due to its engaging behavior.

Examples of Customer Loyalty Gamification-

1. Reward Linked Loyalty Programs

Setting up a points system where users can redeem points later as goodies or products can increase repeated purchases and improve loyalty.

One of the most well-known examples of a reward program is the Sephora Beauty Insider program. After every purchase by their customer, they get points. They can use these rewards later on for beauty products and exclusive offers by Sephora.

2. Quizzes and Polls

You may create fun quizzes and polls for your Holiday Marketing Campaign based on your products that users can redeem in cash or kind.
Quizzes are a great way to acquire customer feedback and carry out A/B testing for your products.

For example, as an e-commerce owner, you can conduct polls related to your services on social media platforms. This will help you get customer feedback about your products or services.

Further, this will aid in increasing customer engagement and establish a fun, enjoyable emotion of positive reinforcement between your product and customers.

Amazon is one such brand that conducts quizzes using its Prime Membership program and allows its customers to win discount offers or cashback coupons.

3. Building communities

Building communities on social media channels, such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc., can be an effective strategy for your business.

Social Media channels are a great place for your existing and potential customers to interact and engage with your vision, products, etc. Heightened engagement on these channels can lead to an increase in social sharing and an increased brand awareness.

Social communities work for two key reasons – they are fantastic for accessing and sharing information and giving your customers a sense of belonging. It becomes easy to forge and sustain relationships with your consumers.

II. Simplifying Customer Experience for Conversions

The holiday season puts unnecessary pressure on your customers to get the perfect gifts for their loved ones.
As an e-commerce business, your focus areas should be:

  • Enhance the buying experience
  • Reducing your customer’s stress by giving them simple solutions for decision-making

These focus areas can be solved by simplifying customer experience to maximize conversions.

Simplicity can be offered in various ways. For some it could be by inculcating marketing principles like the scarcity mindset, improving customer satisfaction and offering sale discounts.

Your job as a business is to identify what “simple” means for your brand.

To provide a simplified customer experience, you can ponder over these questions:

  • How can I make it easier for my customers to understand what I’m offering?
  • How can I reach out to customers in their language and the time and place that is most accessible to them?
  • How can I make our pricing transparent and consistent for users?
  • How can I create offers that attract existing and new customers?
  • How can I create a frictionless purchase experience for users?

In addition to the above pointers, your website design must also push your customers to take action.


A healthy interaction with your customers keeps them satisfied with your business. This is the reason why around 88% of businesses focus on customer engagement and their experience.

To understand your customers better, read great ideas to get to know your customers.

III. Planning your Holiday Marketing Campaign in Advance

You need to have strategic planning to make your holiday marketing campaign a successful one.

Procrastinating on coming up with a marketing campaign can cost you a lot of money and lead to unfavorable results.

A few of the tips to create a holiday marketing strategy are:


Pro tip: You can make the most of your holiday marketing by keeping the Holiday Marketing Trends in mind. This will help you stand out from your competitors, boost your sales, and increase your revenue.

IV. Creating Social Media Campaigns

Social media is here to stay for years. Thus, as a business owner, you can use social media platforms to grow your business.

How Can it Work for Your Business?

Here are three ways :

a. By Improving Visibility

During the holiday season, users engage with social media platforms to search for gift ideas and special festive deals. So, running your marketing campaign on social media can increase your sales and improve your brand’s visibility.

b. Offering Real-Time Engagement

Using social media platforms you can interact with your customers in real time. For example, Instagram has a live feature through which many influencers can engage with their followers from any place and at any time.

You can leverage your social media post’s comments section, messages, or live feature to create urgency for limited festive offers with your audience.

c. Engaging with User-Generated Content

Your business’ reach and visibility can increase by engaging with user-generated content. Customers can share content related to your brand during the holiday season to boost your sales.

Some of the examples of user-generated content are-

holiday marketing campaign ugc

Download our Holiday Marketing Guide and Free Marketing Calendar to plan your Holiday Season.

V. Optimizing for Mobile

Do you know that your mobile accounts for 65% of all e-commerce traffic?

If you have still not made mobile a prime focus for your holiday marketing campaign strategy, you need to rethink and adapt.

Why is Mobile Optimization Required?

  • The majority of potential customers shop today using mobile by checking price details, offers and festive deals.
  • Due to the busyness and hustle in daily life, people prefer to shop while traveling. In such cases, a well-optimized mobile marketing strategy can smoothen your customer’s purchase experience.
  • The risk of cart abandonment can be reduced with an efficient mobile optimization strategy in place.

Thus, mobile optimization provides a win-win situation by optimizing mobile for marketing and boosting sales for your business.
A few of the tips to keep in consideration while optimizing for mobile are:



Summing it up, the above five holiday marketing insights can help you develop an effective holiday marketing campaign strategy.

Whether it’s through gamification, simplifying customer experience, creating social media campaigns, or optimizing your campaign for mobile, a top-notch holiday marketing strategy will help you stand out from your competitors.

Want some great ideas to kick-start your holiday campaigns? Read 9 brilliant holiday social media campaigns.

If you are running behind on your holiday marketing planning this season, don’t worry, we are here to help you. Just reach out to us here, and we will happily provide the guidance you need to make the most out of your holiday season.

About The Author

Shubhranjali Nigam

An Engineer who likes to express herself through the art of words. An explorer at heart, she likes watching movies to escape from reality!

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